Thursday, June 24, 2010

Some are Steeper than Others

Learning curves, that is. After struggling and struggling; after blisters on my toes and on my back, Cecelia and I are going to hold back tomorrow until the post office opens and mail half of our effin' u-know-what to Santiago. The weight is killing me, my feet and my camino. I don't care if it costs me my first-born (yuk,yuk!) I can't lug it any more!!

Last night was a Feria in Najera. The feast of St Juan. Bonfires (like ireland) and general whoop-whoop. Naturally Cecelia wanted to partake. So did I, but I thought Id let her have her time. All I said was that she had to get up early (30K) and not to "pull a Pamplona" on me. I thought that not too harsh. She was afterall sitting by the river with a group ofpeople (mostly guys) that we really don't know, despite walking with them for a week. She has at least heeded my advice and sought out the gay guy for company and protection. Every girl needs a girlfriend.

We are now in St Domingo de la Calzada, an ancient stop on the camino. It is here that an unjustly accused young man was unjustly hanged (sounds like Wm Kennedy Smith except for the hanging and unjust part). Needless to say that despite swinging for months (another Kennedy predilection) our young man survived just like the "cooked" chicken on the Mayor's plate. They keep chickens in the church to this day. Holy Colonel Sanders,Batman! But it is a beautiful church and a testament to centuries of faith, history and hospitality ( a pilgrims hostal was started here in the 11th century.).
I'm in a "free" wi-fi zone (1€ for a beer) right now. The teeny little bugs are starting to live up to their name, and I'm trying to remember the name for toilet in Spanish. Suffice to say, tomorrow and 6:30 vespers await. Ciao for now! B

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