The anxiety is starting to build. I would say "excitement" but there's just waaaaay too much to get done this week to put such a positive spin on it, without my daily dose of Adavan that is!
The trip has been almost ten years in the making. I was going to go alone, as many pilgrims do. Then I started thinking. (Not always a good thing.) My only daughter Cecelia (yep, that's her up there) graduates from high school this year and after this she's off and out to college (Fordham University in NYC) and probably off and out for good in reality. Yeah, I know, they always come home, but still; they're not really home and you can't be sure of it, or encourage it fer Pete's sake! So I thought maybe I should bring Cecelia along for a last little stint together. Naturally she was wildly enthusiastic about getting up at 6am every morning and walking 400+ miles; she's a teenager afterall. Her response went along these lines:
"I have an idea..." she said. "How 'bout if you walk the Camino, and I go to Barthelona?!" (emphasis on the Castilian accent)
"No," I replied "how 'bout you come on the Camino and see Spain with me, or you stay home and work a summer job. I'm not paying your airfare to pahty it up in Barthelona."
She is such a reasonable girl. And now is looking forward to our journey together. If only because there's no such thing as looking back, and the fact that I did compromise somewhat. After we finish the Camino in Santiago, she will be able to spend a couple of days in Barcelona. Let this be a warning to you all about allowing teenage daughters to watch Woody Allen's Vicki Cristina Barcelona! Should I be worried?
No matter, I don't have time to worry. I've got in-laws coming in this week; beds to change; food to buy; a graduation to attend and a BBQ to prepare. Oh, and I have to pack and continue to squeeze a 6 mile (min) walk in everyday. Who can worry?
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